Madame Ghis on THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone (1 hour)
Show Highlights:
-We created the system; we think the authority is outside us, but it is inside each individual
-Madame Ghis explains why she says, “stop going to the doctor!”
-The only and ultimate power is within
-Living in the world of illusion
-Madame Ghis shares some background of how she landed herself in jail
-The system is the body, the patient is the soul: The patient is serving the system when the system should be serving the patient
-Discover who we are and become who we are is why we are here says Madame Ghis
-Rockefeller started this system in 1910
-Why do we want to trust someone other than ourselves?
-Taking complete responsibility: Do we really need car, home, health and other insurances?
and more!