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Polytechnic, Dawson, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Etc…

By Monday April 30th, 2007March 31st, 2015en

Polytechnic, Dawson, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Etc…

On April 16, 2007, Virginia Tech University experienced the worst ever massacre in any educational establishment, with a record of 33 deaths. There was horror and blood everywhere; people were even jumping from windows. A truly devastating event! This was the 25th such event in American schools. Strangely, the list of mass murders in Canadian and American schools is forever getting longer and bloodier. «When and where will the next one be?» is the question on everyone’s mind nowadays. These events intensify FEAR, along with governmental pressure to control weapons. There are even attempts to detect psychopaths before they commit their crime!

The scenario is almost identical in all cases and keeps repeating itself endlessly: innocent victims are brutally massacred by an armed and crazed killer. Each time, the event shocks, saddens and brings anxiety and fear in all minds. We are faced with a sense of powerlessness in front of such uncontrollable episodes. How can we prevent such horror? Well, we can start by being more suspicious of the official version of facts, as it is presented by the media (owned by Big Money) and governmental authorities. Let’s start asking some real questions…

If so, what is this agenda? Where does it come from? Where does it lead us?

Events of this kind did not even exist before 1989, except for one isolated case in Texas in 1966. They started in ‘89 with the Polytechnic School in Montreal, where 14 female students were killed. They have never ceased since, always bringing about the exact same scenario caused by a crazed and armed killer. What is going on? What is new since ‘89 that requires this specific type of circumstances? Where do these killers come from? Why do they all seem to commit their murders in the same way? And why kill all these people without an apparent motive? These murders are not even passionate! Crazy people don’t usually go around killing others like that! It is now recognized that the use of anti-depressants brings about aggressiveness and suicidal tendencies, but it does not encourage its users to commit mass murder on strangers.  What «disease» causes these young people to do such a barbaric and incomprehensible act? And always in schools!

Obviously, there is a planned agenda behind these events. Who would be able to arrange for identical murders using different people? Who has this type of power? We now know that the technology behind mind control is advanced enough for the «handler», the person in control, to force certain specific actions in a «human robot», carrying an «implant» inside his body. This technology was first developed in Nazi concentration camps during WWII. After the war, this practice and its specialists were imported in USA and techniques were refined by the CIA. Experiments were done on military personnel, prisoners, patients in psychiatric wards, orphanages and boarding schools during the 50s and 60s. These are still going on today but with more discretion. The Duplessis children in Quebec were used extensively for these experiments. Once the mind control program is in place, these people can then be forced to do many acts without their consent or their knowledge. If this is the case here, the question remains: who is ordering for the killings to happen?


Well, surely not the killers! In general, they commit suicide after their «job» is done. Rarely, they get killed by the police or end up in prison forever. The victims do not benefit from this and neither do their families. The schools, colleges and universities do not gain in popularity. So, the question remains… who benefits?

Consult popular newspapers or listen to the news and the answer becomes obvious. They talk about the dangers of selling or carrying weapons. Their conclusions are totally unanimous. We need a LAW to control weapons in the population. Strangely, people always owned weapons before school killings started and never thought about using them in such a way before. Why did some individuals suddenly decide to start this strange practice? Could there be a link between the instigators of these events and those who want to disarm the population? Who would benefit from such a law? If there is an armed conflict and the population is disarmed, who would be left with the weapons and the ensuing control? Where would the conflict come from? Could it be from those who still have weapons???

One thing is obvious…. Even when the population is angry, rebellions without weapons are impossible. If such a law is passed, only policemen and army personnel would be armed. Conveniently, these are under direct orders from official authorities. Would it be possible for these same authorities to organize mass murders in schools so they can impose a coercive law to disarm the population?

Such a law is already in place in Canada. All it took was the Polytechnic School massacre in ’89 and five years of promotion in the media, along with an extra 4 deaths at Concordia University a while later. The official promotion was done across Canada by the very mothers of the 14 girls who died in the first killing. How could we resist such messengers? However, we quickly found out that organizing weapons control is very expensive. Considerable sums were invested, but since this was not enough, new money needed to be diverted for the project. Who would vote for an unpopular law with even more unpopular costs? Funds were blocked and the whole project came to a standstill. Luckily for its supporters, another killing in Sept./06 at Dawson College saved the day! During the last Quebec elections in March/07, the newly elected Prime Minister pledged to make this law his first priority. How generous!

In the USA, the resistance to such a law is much more important than in Canada. Carrying weapons is allowed by the American Constitution and people hold on to it dearly. The National Riffle Association is rich and powerful. They will surely need many more massacres, and bloodier ones, until people finally come down on their knees, begging their government to change the law.


These repetitive killings are obviously programmed and their sole purpose is to disarm the population. We can recognize the old threefold formula which has been in use for millennia: PROBLEM – ACTION – SOLUTION, which is well explained by David Icke. To push an unpopular decision, a dramatic problem is created. The media (owned by Big Money) start acting right away, covering the event extensively and suggesting the perfect solution. People demand governmental action based on what they heard or saw in the media. The solution asked for is put in place, just as planned. And it works every time!

It’s the same old human drama, caught in a triangular prison with its three main actors in each corner: the powerless victim (SHEEP), the nasty aggressor (WOLF) and the generous saviour (SHEPHERD). It is now easy to understand that the shepherd only needs to scare the sheep by offering a few sacrificial lambs to the nasty wolf. The sheep quickly run back to the sheepfold and follow the newly imposed law… for their protection. Voilà! The recipe has worked for thousands of years and is still as efficient as ever because the sheep cannot imagine that their Good Shepherd (authorities) would organize such horrific events to get what they want. They are not conscious enough to understand. They still think the word «public» means «good for the people»! Yes, mass shootings will continue as long as the arms control act is not passed. UNLESS…


I am not a sheep! Wrong ID! I had forgotten who I really am! There are no sheep, no shepherd, no law… no killing. This changes the whole story! Who am I, then? I’m a winged mare, an all-powerful and unlimited creatrix. I am not a poor creature who is separated from its external creator. I am both the creatrix and the creature and I am responsible for all that happens in my life. Therefore, I am both the killer and his victims, and NOT the powerless spectator of a human tragedy.

In this perspective, the shootings have a meaning. Their aim is to shake me, wake me up from my long and unconsciousness sleep. As long as I survived in a barely comfortable state of victimhood, I didn’t ask any questions. As a biological robot, I kept following the same old W.S.A.D. program – Work, Suffer, Age and Die – as I went on with my insignificant little life in a purposeless void. Luckily, my soul intervened and showed me on a big screen what a human robot was able to do and where my role as a poor sheep really led to.

These shootings are a gift I am offering myself and I thank the actors involved in this event with all my heart. The drama, the roles of victims and those of culprits are finished for good. I now see the killer and the killed as souls who have wilfully chosen to play this role of «consciousness awakeners». School shootings are an evolutionary necessity and with this in mind, I see them as a blessing!