A Different Valentine’s Day
We wish to propose a different and original way of celebrating Valentine’s Day in 2014.
Sir, before buying jewels, flowers, and/or chocolates, as an investment for a probable night-time counterpart…
Madam, before cooking his favourite meal and repeating the sacrosanct “I love you”, while waiting for the expected “You are the woman of my life!”…
…we invite you instead to enjoy together the following stimulating entertainment:
1) Excerpts from a DVD related to the subject on YouTube:
Part 1
[row] [span2][/span2] [span4] [/span4] [/row] Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAWRJGVPr-Q&feature=youtu.bePart 3: https://youtu.be/2u6MjTxbE3w
Part 4: https://youtu.be/D7zkYGSfaZw
To order the complete DVD (lecture, question & answer period): Sexe The ultimate Weapon of Power
2) Personocratia’s booklet #9: FAMILY towards… Communion of Spirit. Here is a comment from Paul Bondarovski, editor of wariscrime.com: “I congratulate you all with this great booklet, maybe the best in the series. I am not sure anything like this has ever been published on this subject, which for too many people is extremely hard to reconsider.” An excerpt from the booklet can be found on his site.
wariscrime.com-Children and the State
To order the Booklet on Family
This will be an unforgettable Valentine’s Day indeed!
Warm hugs,